How to Develop and Implement a Great ESG Strategy?

Carolina Gomez

Growth Hacker

ESG initiatives have become increasingly popular among businesses as they strive to operate sustainably and responsibly, not just for-profit maximization. ESG encompasses various factors that are essential to a company's long-term success and resilience, including ethical business practices, good governance, and environmental sustainability. Keeping up with these standards is more crucial than ever to adopting an ESG strategy.

An ESG strategy is important for businesses as it can improve the quality of life around the globe by implementing ESG principles. Companies that employ ESG practices can profit from cost savings and greater operational efficiency, as well as improve their public image by demonstrating their commitment to environmental protection and social justice.

Knowing how to start with an ESG strategy and apply its concepts plays a significant role in the business' growth. This article will outline ESG sustainability's meaning and how it can benefit the company.

What is an ESG Strategy?

ESG strategy, which stands for environmental, social, and corporate governance, is a procedure to assess a company's approach to environmental, social, and governance issues.

Developing an ESG strategy involves creating a cross-functional team to recognize and measure a company's ESG possibilities, risks, and performance. The ESG strategy involves weighing a company's approach to environmental, social, and governance issues to increase its operations' sustainability and accountability to stakeholders.

The ESG strategy emphasizes minimizing adverse environmental effects, upholding human rights and the rights of the communities where the firms conduct business, minimizing conflicts of interest in corporate decision-making, and promoting good governance principles. Some guiding concepts include responsibility, transparency, and open communication with stakeholders about the risks and possibilities associated with ESG issues.

With an ESG strategy, businesses can improve the quality of life around the globe by implementing ESG principles. Changing to renewable energy sources, for instance, reduces carbon emissions and slows climate change. As a result, there will be reduced air pollution, cleaner water, improved public health, and increased ability to withstand natural calamities.

Pillars of an ESG Strategy

ESG strategies ensure that the business is ethical, environmentally conscious, and led by managers who take responsibility for their actions. Below are the pillars that enhance strong ESG accountability:


This pillar looks at ESG and climate change. How companies treat the environment, how much energy they consume, how much waste they produce, how much pollution they generate, and how they use natural resources are just a few examples of environmental concerns.

The ESG environmental criteria focus on determining what environmental hazards a company confronts and how those risks are managed. Potential considerations include direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, the management of toxic waste, and the observance of environmental regulations.


The social facets of a business examine how the organization interacts with those inside and outside the organization. This factor includes ESG corporate ethics, community focus, diversity, and inclusion. Additionally, help the social issues around the community of the business is part, of taking care of the employees, a good work environment, and implementing a DEI culture to avoid discrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.


ESG governance principles guarantee that a company's accounting is truthful and transparent, that it hires executives with moral character and different professional experiences, and that it is answerable to its shareholders.

Plus, this ESG factor is the accountability that the business doesn’t choose top board members with conflicts of interest, doesn’t bribe politicians in exchange for preferential treatment, or engages in any illegal activity.

How Does an ESG Strategy Work?

To find opportunities for improvement, companies generally undertake an ESG audit. This involves evaluating the company's operations using criteria relating to climate change, human rights, labor standards, diversity and inclusion policies, executive remuneration practices, and more.

They can then build strategies for boosting sustainability efforts in these areas by implementing responsible business practices such as decreasing emissions from manufacturing processes or investing in renewable energy sources.

Businesses that have implemented an ESG strategy often strive to attract more responsible stakeholders who seek companies that have demonstrated a commitment to sustainability. Companies that employ responsible business practices can profit from cost savings and greater operational efficiency, as well as improve their public image by demonstrating their commitment to environmental protection and social justice.

How to Develop an ESG Strategy

Developing an ESG strategy differs depending on the firm and industry, but the fundamental steps remain the same. These steps include:

Maintaining Dedication All Times

ESG is a term that not all employees in your firm may be familiar with. This implies that you must be explicit about your ESG goals and let others know about them. Explain their practical implications, how they will affect workers daily, why the organization is attempting to achieve a certain goal, and what it will take to get there.

Your plan needs the full support of your senior leaders, who must understand exactly what success looks like and how it will benefit them. It is simpler to win over individuals at all organizational levels when they support your ESG aim. Telling them what will happen if they succeed in their aims will motivate them.

ESG is a broad concept, and no issuer can adequately define it. Therefore, find out from your internal stakeholders which ESG elements they believe are most crucial for your company. They are more inclined to assist in implementing your strategy if they have a say in its development.

Looking at Your Existing Circumstance

You need to determine where your corporation sits regarding ESG objectives if you know its most crucial components for your business, sector, and locale. You can have many policies and processes in place for various areas, even if you don't have a single ESG approach.

Examine your metrics to determine the effectiveness of your existing efforts and the advancement of your projects. You should also consider the level of interest in the initiative among everyone. Consider why most people haven't complied with or accepted the policies.

Are the objectives good, but the methods for achieving them need to be revised? Have you outlined the benefits of the program? Consider your options for involving more of your coworkers in your plan.

Setting ESG Objectives

The next step is listing the company's top ESG objectives. They should be pertinent to your field and where you operate. They should also allow you to have the greatest impact and be consistent with the kind of investors you wish to attract.

Make a materiality valuation to assist you in determining the objectives of your company. Establish interviews with internal and external stakeholders. Make a list of significant factors you can influence or change that may impact how your firm operates or how much money it generates.

The objectives should line up with your company's strategy and be detailed enough to be helpful. They should assist you in creating the ideal goals that will attract investors and demonstrate that they will bring about significant change. After establishing these objectives, consider your company's challenges to achieving them.

Picking an ESG Framework

Using a common ESG framework can assist all the stakeholders in understanding how effective your program is, which is important if you want to demonstrate your performance to them in a meaningful way.

Your ESG goals already have established structures or processes thanks to the frameworks. This makes comparing across industries simple.

Establishing Critical Performance Criteria and Monitoring Your Progress

KPIs are crucial for ensuring that you are promptly and effectively moving toward your ESG goals. Your plan needs to include steps for your journey to achieve your objectives. It can be discouraging and too far away to reach a simple goal.

On the other hand, it appears more feasible if your ESG plan outlines the activities you take to accomplish your objectives. Achieving each KPI motivates you and allows you to assess your progress. This enables you to communicate your progress to individuals inside and outside your firm.

Ensure your communication is understandable and clear. Stakeholders anticipate that you will be transparent about how you record your processes and outcomes when the ESG subject is this critical. Show how you can improve performance rather than offer justifications.

Benefits of Implementing an ESG Strategy

Beyond increasing brand awareness and making institutional shareholders happy, implementing ESG strategies seriously offers further advantages. A successful ESG program can assist a company in creating a powerful brand, opening doors to vast capital sources, and enhancing long-term, sustainable growth that benefits the company and its stakeholders. Below are some of the various benefits of implementing an effective ESG strategy:

●       It brings down business expenses. Strong ESG practices can assist companies in using their resources more wisely and effectively while reducing expenses for things like waste, water, and energy.

●       It aids in identifying vulnerabilities and threats as they manifest. Smart businesses use ESG methodologies to discover, minimize, and deal with risks before they become an issue.

●       It increases brand reliability. ESG reporting methods promote transparency, which boosts consumer, employee, and investor confidence in the business. It's crucial to start with progress rather than perfection when implementing an ESG strategy.

●       It prevents your business from inadvertently greenwashing. A corporation may be charged with greenwashing if it lacks critical ESG data, is dishonest about its measures, or exclusively discusses incorrect topics. Standardized ESG indicators can assist businesses in preventing this.

●       It alters the law operation to your advantage. More investors are making it mandatory to share ESG information as ESG criteria become tougher. With an effective reporting system, businesses can avoid losing out on lucrative opportunities and becoming exposed to ESG risks. Embrace ESG reporting now and profit from its advantages rather than waiting until your employer mandates it.

●       It aids in keeping you relevant in a constantly shifting market. Most contemporary businesses engage in ESG reporting in some capacity. Businesses that don't risk getting left behind may eventually lose their customers, investors, and supporters.


A great ESG strategy favors businesses that support governance and environmental, social, and ethical standards. As a result, this creates a promising growth area that benefits society and the environment.

Opting for using ESG partners to solidify your strategy might be an ideal choice for you, depending on how much you want your efforts to reflect your values. ESG partners can be a good helper when it comes to the planning and implementing of your ESG Strategy!

Use Evergreen as your ESG partner! The employee recognition software enables you to boost peer-to-peer recognition and plant trees to have an ESG social impact on the environment. We support businesses in creating happier workplaces and healthier corporate cultures while contributing to a greener and healthier world.

Book a demo with us and learn more on how we can be your partner  in your ESG Strategy!

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